Duccio Regoli, born on July 8, 1961. Education: University of Pisa Law School (J.D., summa cum laude, 1986); Orientation Program in the U.S. Legal System, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (1987); University of Chicago Law School (LL.M., 1989). Recipient, Bank of Italy's Scholarship, "D. Menichella". Visiting Foreign Lawyer, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, New York, 1989-1990. Full-tenure Professor of Corporate and Financial Markets Law, Catholic University of Milan; Former member of the Collegio dei Probiviri of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and of the Group of Experts of the Corporate Governance Committee for the Code of Listed Companies; National coordinator of the Ph.D. Commercial Law and International Commercial Law; Co-founder and co-director of the law review “Rivista del diritto societario”.
Languages: English and German.
- Alberto Mazzoni
- Duccio Regoli
- Nicola Ferrini
- Maria Chiara Malaguti
- Emanuela Romoli
- Corrado Cassone
- Daniele Bianchi
- Valeria Salamina
- Deborah Russetti
- Teresa Mazzoni
- Stefano Solli
- Tommaso Marsili
- Chiara Maria Mariani
- Massimo Sana
- Lorenzo Nizzi
- Lionello Mazzoni
- Michele Jeri
- Lorenzo Martini
- Of Counsel
- Mauro PolitiGiudice della Corte Penale Int.